Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

What is New York Recycles?

It is our way of promoting recycling and buying recycled in New York State. New York Recycles will culminate on November 15. Events take place all year and culminate on November 15.

How do you participate?

All you need to do is:

To enter the contest print out pledge form below and mail it by Nov. 20 to: New York Recycles!


625 Broadway

Albany, NY 12233-7253

OR — send the information requested above in an e-mail to


What else do I need to do?

Just recycle more, buy recycled products and fill out the pledge card. Also try to find ways to reduce your waste – precycle (not making garbage to begin with).

Why do I need to fill out a petition card?

By filling out the pledge card, you promise to try to recycle more, buy products and packaging made from recycled materials and are entered into a State drawing.

What is the State drawing?

Each year New Yorkers take the pledge to recycle more and buy recycled products! New York State conducted a random drawing from individuals who voluntarily pledge to recycle more and buy recycled.

New York Recycles Pledge Form

Here is how I am renewing my commitment to recycling in the coming year. (Check all appropriate boxes)

[ ] I will recycle at home, work and/or school.

[ ] I will buy recycled-content products and packaging.

[ ] I will purchase environmentally friendly products.

[ ] I will try composting at home.

[ ] I will return my deposit bottles and cans.

[ ] I will encourage others to reduce, reuse and recycle and buy recycled products and packaging.

Please enter me in the NY State Drawing to be held on or about December 15. One entry per person. No purchase necessary. Your name will be kept confidential.

Name                                                                              [ ] Please check here if you are under the age of 18

Daytime Phone (include area code)                                                 
