Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

On Giving Tuesday, December 1, 2021, the League of Women Voters of NYS (LWVNYS) announced it has received an anonymous $1 million donation to expand and strengthen its fight to defend democracy and voting rights for all.

The donation, the largest ever received by LWVNYS, comes during a time of great transformation for the organization which celebrated its one hundredth anniversary in 2019. This gift will allow the League to bolster efforts to address voter suppression at the state and local level. With this gift, the League will expand efforts to educate voters and work to ensure voting ease and access for all New Yorkers.

Judie Gorenstein, President of the State League said, “With the beginning of our 2nd century of work, the tate League sees this gift as a new opportunity that will create a more impactful State League for all New Yorkers. While this is a significant gift, it does not fully fund the State League in perpetuity…”
