Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Dear State League Leaders,

Our Transformation Journey activity this month was heavily focused on recruitment for our Framing the Future Working Groups.

I want to thank all of you for sharing this important opportunity with your Leagues and for applying yourself if you did so! We are excited to convene these important member engagement groups over the next two months.

I’m also thrilled to announce that my 2023 State of the League address is now available on our YouTube channel! In this speech, I outline our current moment in American democracy, the League’s impact now and in the future, and the next phase of the League’s transformation journey.

I highly encourage Leagues to play this speech at their internal events this year, including at state League conventions. This is an important message for all our members to hear, so I humbly ask that you share it far and wide across our League network.

Thank you for all you do to empower voters and defend democracy every day. It is because of you that I know our League remains strong in 2023.

Working with you and for you every day.

In League,

Deborah Ann Turner, MD, JD signature

Deborah Ann Turner, MD, JD
League of Women Voters of the US
