Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.


LWV Makes Things HappenThe fate of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) now lies with the Supreme Court. For the second time in as many months, the justices are hearing arguments on vital legislation that has encouraged active participation in our democracy for nearly two decades. The League of Women Voters of Arizona is a plaintiff in the case and the LWVUS has submitted an amicus brief to the Court.

If the Supreme Court rules against the NVRA, states would be free to pass laws that could restrict voter registration activities and thereby prevent eligible citizens from registering to vote. Pledge to support new voters and the organizations that bring them into the political process.

The National Voter Registration Act, commonly known as “Motor Voter,” became law in 1993 and streamlines the voter registration process. It requires states to provide voter registration opportunities when citizens get a driver’s license or seek government services at other agencies and provides for voter registration by mail, which is particularly important for citizen-led voter registration drives.

In so doing, it protects voters against state restrictions on voter registration for federal elections. The League was a key player in the passage of the NVRA – we worked on the initial bill and later co-chaired a national coalition that brought together over 60 organizations dedicated to improving the voter registration process.

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