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NYS ban on polystyrene began with the New Year

The new law bans any single-use disposable polystyrene foam service containers including bowls, cartons, clamshells, cups, lids, plates and trays. Additionally, polystyrene packing peanuts will be illegal. Polystyrene is known as a problem piece of plastic. It is made from the chemical styrene, which environmental experts say is a suspected carcinogen.

There are some exceptions to the law, including polystyrene egg cartons, and the white polystyrene trays used by grocery stores to package raw meat and fish.

Businesses that don’t comply will be fined

Suffolk County already has a law on their books banning plastic straws and coffee stirrers. And they prohibit the county’s park concessionaires from distributing single-use cups, utensils, or beverage straws made from non-biodegradable substances.

The East Nassau League is planning to work towards getting a similar law in Nassau County. If you are interested in joining this committee. Contact Barbara Epstein: epsteinb1@gmail.com or 516- 221-1948.
