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PMP System Still in Effect for 2023

Reminder: Jan. 31 Freeze Date, PMP System Still in Effect for 2023

At Convention 2022, delegates voted to eliminate the per-member-payment (PMP) system in the future. Please note that the current PMP system is still in effect for 2023, and League Rosters will freeze on January 31, 2023.

With the provisos in the LWVUS bylaws, the changes adopted at Convention do not go into effect until the national board votes to put them into effect. Per the provisos, the LWVUS board will set a date once the new membership system is in place and no sooner than 2024. Until then, the current LWVUS bylaws remain in force. Once the national board has voted on a date, it will notify state and local Leagues of the effective date of the bylaws amendments that were passed with provisos. At that time, LWVUS will also provide state and local Leagues with guidance on how to transition from the PMP system to the new membership system and on how to conform their bylaws to LWVUS’ bylaws.

For questions about the 2023 – 24 PMP process, please contact membership@lwv.org. For periodic updates on this and other elements of the Structure Transformation Plan, please visit the League Management Site

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