Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

For the first time in the history of NYS, New Yorkers will be able to vote early.

What does that mean? It means that Nassau County voters will be able to vote in person at any one of fifteen different voting sites around the county from October 26th through November 3rd, as well as at their regular polling places on Election Day. (Locations and hours on page 3.)

Because this is new for our state and county, many people need to be made aware of this new opportunity. Our local League is planning to be available to speak to various organizations to let their members know how, where and when they can vote early.

We have already made arrangements with several groups for these brief presentations, but we need members to do them. The presentations will only take about 5 to 10 minutes. All materials will be provided, as will training. The more volunteers we get, the more groups to which we can provide the information. Please contact me if you can help us with this important endeavor – Barbara Epstein, epsteinb1@gmail.com, 516-221-1948.
