Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

President’s Message

TeamworkI’m at cruising altitude, returning home from a few days of skiing with family in Big Sky,  Montana. The conditions and weather could not have been any better!

I took a ski lesson my second morning and at lunch that day I commented how my instructor was not so good; yet, as I skied that afternoon and the next day, going down runs I never dreamed in my life I would be able,

I came to realize he was maybe the best ski instructor I could have had.  He challenged me and made me uncomfortable and said things I knew to be very true about myself, like be more patient and let the turn happen on its own, not by you forcing it or making it happen.

There are so many similarities to our work in League where we come together and seek consensus so that we together can do the work of the League which is to educate and inform  and to make democracy work.

There is patience in the process as others come to understand and to agree on how we will move forward, something that cannot be forced if real and long term success is the goal.  It takes time and a concerted effort by all, with results that are so fulfilling.

Our Program Committee has a very informative program for 7:30pm Monday, April 28th at the Elmont Library. The topic is Human Trafficking here on Long Island and New York.

The Coalition’s work on redistricting reform will be heating up as we present draft legislation in the form of an amendment as requested by the Republican caucus.

Voter registration was a huge success at Lawrence High School with some 134 students handing in the form and others taking the form to send in later; registering voters this month will continue at several high schools in our area and possibly some other venues.

If you are interested in volunteering for this most satisfying of League work, if only for an hour, please call Peter Rosenthal at 295-1325 or Joanne Borden at 791-4193.

Thanks to so many who are helping the League of Women Voters of Southwest Nassau to thrive!



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