Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Beautiful Carnation flowers and butterfliesHere it is we thought we might give our newsletter editor, Alisa, a bit of a summer reprieve, but League work goes on and you can see by the newsletter there is much information to share!

Most importantly is the general meeting on Tuesday, July 29th, 7pm at the Elmont Library on GUNS! This is a topic many members have expressed an interest and Joe Kolodny and his able committee members have gathered some excellent speakers for us.

We had hoped the NRA would send a speaker, but they would not commit and were very difficult to get a hold of.  Funny thing how that works.  Anyway. it will be a very informative evening on a very important topic.

Pat Sympson is already very busy inviting candidates to League’s Candidate Forum night at the Hewlett Woodmere Library on Wednesday, October 22nd, 7pm.

This year will find Congressional District 4 candidates and NYS Senate and Assembly candidates for our area.  In addition, we are working to have a Candidate Forum in Elmont around the same time, thanks in part to new Board member, Tammie Williams.  These meetings take many months of preparation to make them the informative night that they are for the voting public.

Hats off to all of those all those who assisted in the Spring student voter registration efforts. Peter Rosenthal, Joanne Borden, and many volunteers did a fantastic job.

Though this was a county wide effort and grant (see the results in this newsletter), Southwest Nassau had dazzling numbers: four high schools visited, 507 students contacted, and 377 completed registration forms collected.  Thirteen volunteers assisted, with 78 hours of contact time in the classrooms.  I don’t know of a more rewarding League activity!

Thanks again to all who have renewed their membership!  Millie Beck, Marjorie Latz, and Flora Schwartz as our membership committee are looking to ways to grow our numbers.  If you have any thoughts, let them know!

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer.  Temperatures seem on the cool side and the results in our garden show it!  Let’s be grateful though as at least there is no snow!

Nancy Rosenthal
