Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

President’s Message

Judie Gorenstein, judieL728@aol.com

“To every season there is a purpose”

Throughout the summer and fall, LWVNYS, local Leagues and League members have all been extremely busy registering and educating voters, holding candidate events and getting out the vote. With Election Day only a few days away, election season is almost over although there are still the voter service surveys to complete, evaluations to be done and ultimately the preparation for the next election cycle. Yes, voter service continues throughout the year. However, we are now entering the season of Thanksgiving a time to give thanks. Here is what I am thankful for:

I am thankful to all our members, all our Leagues, all the wonderful LWVNYS board and LWVNYS staff for making it possible for us to achieve all we have done and all we are planning to do.

I am thankful for all our LWVNYS committees who are enabling us to reach out to all our local Leagues.

To our Voter Service Committee: I am so impressed by how quickly this year you have been able to update the toolkits, how you have been able to respond to concerns and questions from local Leagues. I look forward to seeing the analysis of the voter service surveys and plans for the following year.

To our DEI Task Force: I am so impressed by the number of members ( over 150) who you have reached and educated through the 2 DEI workshops you held and also the 21 Day Challenge many of our members participated in. I look forward to seeing and reading the “DEI Successes from our Leagues” you are putting together which will be on LWVNY webpage for all to read.

To our Local League Support Group: I am so impressed by how well you, a very new committee has formulated, distributed, collected and analyzed survey of what local Leagues need most: membership and how you have begun to review the materials available and what will be most valuable to our Leagues. As a result of your work, I look forward to your helping Leagues first attract new members and then involve and retain them.

To our Youth Committee: I am impressed by how well you worked together, some members of the committee with years of experience working with youth and other much younger members who can easily engage youth. I look forward to your working with our local Leagues, compiling and sharing what our local Leagues are doing, and to the Youth Corner you will have in the State Voter. Our youth are our future!

I am thankful that the future of LWVNYS and our Leagues looks bright with so many motivated members.

I am also reminded that this is a time of giving. Let’s all think about what we can and then give to the League: a donation, time, new ideas. We can and we will Build Our Power Together increasing our influence and visibility and reaching our mission and goals. Thank You!
