Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Last month was the time to be thankful: voters throughout the US were empowered and voted to protect our democracy. LWVNYS and all our local Leagues, ILOs and MALS did their best to educate voters, empower them and GOTV. We all worked together, with LWVUS, local leagues, other organizations, in different communities to accomplish our mission.

This month is a time to not only be joyous and celebrate, but time to be reflective, looking at the past and then to the future. We need to celebrate our successes and there were many. However, though our democracy has survived for now, we know how fragile it is and there is so much more we need to do. At the December LWVNYS board meeting, we looked at our accomplishments as a board and thanks to all the data and stories you Leagues provided in the surveys, we saw the enormity of what Leagues have done statewide. (Some of the data from the VS surveys is shared in this Voter. Very impressive!) However, as a board we also needed to look at what goals and objectives might not have been met and what can be done to meet them.

One goal stood out! Our goal to grow membership has not been attained. We have some ideas and will be looking to each of you for help in growing our membership in 2023.

For now though, take time to celebrate and have a very Happy Holiday Season and a Happy New Year.
