Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.


cat 2015Hope everyone had a great Holiday season!

January will find us making important decisions on our League’s positions on term limits and ballot access.

Studies have been completed on each of these issues and it is now time for our League to decide our position on each which will be forwarded to the state office by January 31st.  The State Board will then look at each League’s response throughout the state and decide if LWVNY will take a position on either or both issues.

On Wednesday, January 11th at 2pm we will meet to discuss term limits and on Wednesday, January 21st at 6:30pm we will meet to discuss ballot access.  Both meetings will be held at my home.

Alisa Henderson has resigned as our newsletter editor–anyone interested in taking on this important function of League communications, please give me a call at 516-297-7847.

Thank you to everyone who helped with all of our work in 2014! I know already our League’s voter service is preparing to register students at local high schools in the next few months with many members assisting in this effort.

As we get these students and others registered, we must also wrestle with voter turnout at the polls.  November’s election saw the worst voter turnout for elections since Harry Truman’s election, and we must increase our efforts in this area.


Nancy Rosenthal


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