Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

This is the beginning of 2022, a new year, which promises to be as challenging for the LWVNYS as was 2021. We are still fighting for voting rights both in Washington DC for federal changes and in NYS for changes to our own state laws. In fact as most if not all of you know, the proposals on last year’s ballot to make voting easier in NYS failed. However, we cannot get discouraged. We will continue to work together with LWVUS and our local leagues and MALS as well as with other good government groups. We will face our challenges and continue in our fight to defend out democracy, always adhering to our nonpartisan policy and reaching out to underserved and diverse communities. We will look to educate people on important issues at all the governmental levels, we will register voters and then turn out the vote. In order to accomplish all we want and need to do, it is important that our Leagues are strong, grow membership, and gain influence. How can we do this? One way is to remain highly visible and keep people informed of who we are and what we do.

On February 14, LWVUS is celebrating its 102 anniversary and calling for a Day of Action. You can go to the LWVUS webpage to see what members throughout the country are doing.

Here in NYS we can have Feb 14 be a Day of Action, A Day of Recognition, a Day of Celebration!

Action: Call your state legislator and urge them to increase funding for elections and election administration.

Recognition: Members can wear their LWV buttons, tell people about the LWV and ask them to join. Members can make donations to the League. Members can volunteer to join a committee or go to a meeting and bring a friend.

Celebration: Individual Leagues can decide how they want to celebrate this day. Check with your local League to see what they are doing? LWVUS is hosting a National Pep Rally on Feb 14 at 11 am. Be a part of the celebration!

Judie Gorenstein,
