Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

President’s Message

Judie Gorenstein, judieL728@aol.com

Voter services are the foundation of the League. Registering women to vote was the reason we were formed. Although we do so much more today, voter services remain at the core, what we are known for and that which we hold the gold standard. Election Day, is only two weeks away and there is only a few days before early voting begins in NY. I know that league members throughout the state have worked to register voters, educate voters, and then to get out the vote. I know we have all been doing our best. I know you all will be voting but, in these final days, I urge you to continue to do what you can to get others to vote.

Thank you all for all you do and for being a member of the LWV. Together we will work on protecting our democracy!
