As October approaches, I look at the many candidate forums that will be occurring throughout Nassau County and what the means to us in League as we provide the opportunities for the voting public to learn about those running for office and who may be elected to represent them within their communities.
I encourage you to spread the word about these forums so that those going to the polls on Tuesday, November 5, 2013, may truly know for whom and for what they are casting their vote. John O’Connell of the Long Island Herald did a marvelous editorial on this very subject.
Voter registration is a key to civic participation and the League has always worked hard to get eligible voters registered to vote. This year on National Voter Registration Day, September 24th, over 280 Leagues from 43 states joined with more than 800 partners to register Americans to vote. National Voter Registration day saw over 9,000 voters registered with over 1,300 volunteers registering voters. That means that the League had the single largest on-the-ground presence for the second year running.