Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Back to SchoolAs we settle into September, that “back to school” month we never seem to get out of our system, we are looking forward to the November election in Nassau County.  The elections for the newly redistricted Legislative Districts will be occurring, with the Five Towns having four new County Legislative districts:

The Town of Hempstead (TOH) also has new district lines with many of us in the Five Towns having potentially a new TOH representative. As we gear up for this election season, let us all remember the cherished right we have to vote.  I doubt any of us have ever had our right to vote challenged.  I have been listening to what has transpired this week in North Carolina with many strict new changes which limit access to the polls, including a new voter ID requirement, a shortened early voting period, and the termination of a program that helped pre-register students within two years of their 18th birthday. Additionally, Pasquotank County GOP Chair Pete Gilbert challenged Montravias King, a student at Elizabeth City State University King’s candidacy earlier this month.  On a party-line, 2-1 vote, the board claimed King had not proven his permanent residency at ECSU, and therefore was not eligible to run for an Elizabeth City Council seat in the 4th Ward. Gilbert is now also challenging the right to vote of all students at this predominately black college, but not the students at a neighboring college that is predominately white.  We also have the Justice Department suing Texas over their voter ID law. I have a visceral reaction to the thought of all of this going on in these United States of America. Take a moment and imagine what you might feel were your right to vote was taken away from you!  Put your feet in the shoes of many Americans who right now face this! On that note, let me remind you first of the Primary election on Tuesday September 10th for the Democratic race for Nassau County Executive and second of the upcoming League of Women Voters Candidate Forums.  I hope you will spread the word and  that you and your friends and neighbors will attend so that your and their vote will be a truly informed one!

