Judie Gorenstein, judieL728@aol.com
I do know that summer is a time for vacations and relaxation and I do hope that everyone has found some time to have fun and relax. I do also know that the League of Women Voters’ goal of empowering voters and defending our democracy is more important than ever. I am therefore asking that each of our members do what they can to help us achieve our goal.
- Be informed yourself. Know what your league and LWVNYS is doing so you can share with others.
- SIgn up for the League’s texting service and receive timely updates on voting procedures. Text VoteNY to 4747474.
- Let your league know if you have time to volunteer either for one time or ongoing. There is so much to do especially during election season.
- Let LWVNYS know if you can volunteer at the NY State Fair in Syracuse this month.
- Let your league know of any special skills talents or interests you may have. Are you social media savvy? Are you a creative?
- Let your league know of affiliations you have with other organizations, communities or media.
And of course, always ask your friends and acquaintances to join .