Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

New York State

The court has set new district lines for both the US House of Representatives and the NYS Senate. The primary date (as of June 1) for these offices will be August 23.

So far, the NYS Assembly lines are still the ones approved by the NYS legislature and signed by the Governor. The primary for the NYS Assembly and for Governor, Lt. Governor, Comptroller, Attorney General and US Senator is June 28th. The NYS League of Women Voters has sued to have one primary in August and to allow additional candidates to get on the ballot. The result of the suit remains to be determined.

Nassau County

The Nassau County Temporary Redistricting Commission members have been appointed by the majority and minority leaders of the County Legislature. There are 5 members from each side. The chair is Frank Maroney, appointed by majority leader, Richard Nicolello. The Commission is charged with redrawing the 19 county legislative districts, based on the 2020 census. They will have their organizational meeting in June.

The County League, in coordination with several other local organizations, plans to present testimony at the Commission’s meetings around the county.

If you would like to work on the redistricting committee, contact Barbara Epstein. Involvement can range from just attending one or more meetings to participating in planning sessions, to giving testimony, to…..
