Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

On January 3rd the Independent Redistricting Commission voted to submit two sets of maps for Congressional and state Legislative Districts, one Democratic and one Republican. Each received five votes. The League, Citizens Union and Reinvent Albany sent a letter to the Commissioners criticizing the failure to submit one set of maps. https://lwvny.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Letter-IRC-010322-FINAL.pdf.

Because the Commission voted, the Legislature had to consider both sets of maps. On January 10, they voted both sets of maps down. The Commission has 15 days to submit new maps to the Legislature. Only after those maps are voted down does the Legislature get to amend the maps.

We sent another letter to the Commission on January 13 asking them to come together on one set of maps after the Legislature voting down the maps. The second letter can be seen here: https://lwvny.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Letter-to-IRC-Jan-13-2022-FINAL.pdf . 

On January 24, the Commissioners of each party of the IRC released a statement blaming the other for not even agreeing to meet to discuss the 2nd set of maps. The IRC will therefore shirk its constitutional responsibility and not submit the 2nd set of maps. The League released a statement blasting the IRC’s inaction (see here: https://lwvny.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/statement-on-IRC-inaction-Jan-25-2022.pdf).

Development of maps now falls to the hands of the Legislature. Today we sent a letter to the Legislative leaders urging transparency in their process and urging an opportunity for public input as they consider these maps. See the letter here: https://lwvny.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Jan-25-Letter-to-Leg-Leaders-re-Redistricting.pdf

County Redistricting

An educational county redistricting event has been scheduled for January 27th at 6:30 pm and will be held over Zoom. Jeffrey Wice from the New York Law School, Dale Barbaria from Assemblywoman Amy Paulin’s office, and Barbara Grosh from LWV Rochester will be speaking at the event. The League has created county redistricting guides that will be shared with event attendees, League members, and the public. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkcu2oqj4uGNB8fv8df_U72cR12jiVBFmT

Sally Robinson, Sally.s.robinson@gmail.com
