Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Regina Tillman, 3rd Vice President for DEI and Crystal Joseph, DEI Task Force Co-Chair

21 Day Racial Equity Indigenous Challenge:

We had 115 people register for the 21 Day Challenge which ended on November 26th. Much appreciated also were the Board members that joined in on the challenge! We had taken a lesson from the previous 21 Day Challenges conducted, having learned from them that daily reminders were critical to assisting participants in holding the activity ‘on their front burner’ for 21 days! DEI Task Force members assisting the Vice President in that endeavor were: Linda McKenney, Sharen Barboza, Gail Volk, and Peggy McKenna.

I proceeded to intertwine serious topics with music by Indigenous Native Americans and the challenge was well received with positive comments forthcoming since day #1. A sample:

  • Loved A Gift of Song. Played it for some neighbors. On a day when I am so stressed about current events, I found this music a gift.
  • Fascinating, sad reading. Thank you, Regina
  • Saved the link to find out about land acknowledgements for future reference.
  • Regina, just to let you know, I have committed to and am really benefiting from the daily materials you are sending. As an enrolled member of the Mvskoke Nation of Oklahoma who was raised in that state but away from the Nation’s traditional culture, I especially appreciate these great resources. Thank you so much.
  • I listened to and loved this song too… and didn’t know [the Band] was comprised of Native Americans. Thank you.
  • Always good to read about the Three Sisters again. Thanks.
  • I brought it up yesterday. Had joined friends’ family and spoke about the women picking the chief and throwing them out if, after 3 warnings they didn’t self-correct. I told my Mom, too. She liked that idea.

Resources related to this challenge and to Land Acknowledgements are coming soon.


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