Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

There are three major areas of focus for League and Leaguers. Voter Service, Education, and Advocacy.  All are important, but we tend to focus on different parts at different times of the year. With the election coming up in November, a lot of our time is spent on Voter Service and Education. The focus for our local League will be primarily on registering voters and education. The educational component includes our candidate forums. We have planned local candidate meetings, but as we go to press we have not heard back from the candidates. We sincerely hope that they will accept the invitations, because actually seeing and hearing from candidates is a great help in deciding for whom to vote. The LWVNC forum for Nassau County District Attorney has been finalized, as you will see on the next page.

Freeport National Night OutOur members have been registering voters at various events over the summer, and will continue into the Fall. A number of new, potential and long- time members attended a training session for voter registration on August 21, and are ready and willing to register as many citizens as we can. For those who were unable to attend, we can schedule another session if you let us know you are interested.
