Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

On May 12th, the League held a remote advocacy training on our post-budget legislative priorities. The training included an expert overview of the NY Health Act from our State Health Committee and Issues Specialists Madeline Zevon, Judy Esterquest, and Kathy Stein, and an overview of Medical Aid in Dying and Salary Parity issues from Barb Thomas, our Issues Specialist on Women’s Issues and Medical Aid in Dying. LWVNYS VP of Issues and Advocacy, Sally Robinson, gave an overview of Joint Commission on Public Ethics reform, and Jennifer Wilson, LWVNYS Deputy Director, covered pending voting reforms.
You can find documents for each of these policy areas on our website under Legislative Packethttps://lwvny.org/legislative-packet-2021/
The materials include memos of support for the bills, sample social media posts and letters to the editor, and information about each of the reforms we are supporting. We will continue to update these materials as things change between now and the end of the legislative session on June 10th.
If you missed the meeting you can watch the archived video here.
Local League members wishing to participate in advocacy meetings on behalf of the League should contact their Local League’s Issues and Advocacy Chair or Local League President.
