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Should Your Water Be Tested?

Some residents in Garden City have found lead in their drinking water, and many are therefore testing the water in their homes for lead, which can be very unhealthy and dangerous, especially for children. If you would like to test your home’s water for lead, you can get a free test kit through the NYS Dept of Health.

To get a free test kit, you can email: FreeWaterTesting@health.ny.gov and provide the following information:
1. your name;
2. your phone number;
3. your e-mail address;
4. address for sample location and address for mailing test kit, if different;
5. county for sample location;
6. 1st choice for participating laboratory selected from the list below; and
7. 2nd choice for participating laboratory selected from the list below.

List of Laboratories
– Advanced Analytical Technologies, Orangeburg, Rockland County
– EMSL Analytical, Inc., New York, New York County
– Envirotest Laboratories, Inc., Newburgh, Orange County
– Erie County Public Health Laboratory, Buffalo, Erie County
– NY Environmental and Analytical Labs Inc., Port Washington, Nassau County
– Westchester County Department of Laboratories and Research, Valhalla, Westchester County

According to the EPA, if your test is positive, you can take the following steps.

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