Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

As I sit at my home workspace, I can’t believe it’s May. The last few weeks in quarantine have moved both glacially and at warp speed—all at the same time.

I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy. Some of my friends and family have gotten sick, but none have been hospitalized or passed away, thankfully. I know that is not the case for many of you and I am so very sorry for your loss, especially since it often means not having the physical support of friends and family members to help you thru the grieving process.

These days have been busier than ever for me in my role as Executive Director of the Community Chest of Port Washington.

If you are not aware, the Community Chest has spearheaded a humanitarian response to the coronavirus in Port Washington. We have convened a group of Port’s elected officials, faith-based leaders, and other organizations to address the needs of the community as a result of COVID-19.

To that end, we’ve established the following:

1. Port Washington COVID-19 Community Response Fund

Seeded with $100,000 of campaign donations, this fund is rapidly giving out money to community organizations who already have strong experience supporting local families, particularly those that are disproportionately affected by this global pandemic and its economic consequences. The Community Chest has committed to distributing 100% of the donations for food security and rent assistance for now. Learn more about the program here.

2. Helping Hands for Seniors Program

With the assistance of the Port Washington Crisis Relief Team and other community volunteers, we are providing grocery shopping and delivery for home-bound seniors and others who have been encouraged to remain at home. Please share this information with others and contact me on my cell phone at 516.661.6782 or email info@portchest.org for help.

3. Mask-Making Effort

A team of volunteers will be making washable fabric face masks for our Outreach families at Our Lady of Fatima, St. Peter’s, and Littig House, in addition to others in need. Please contribute any extra all cotton, tightly woven fabric (scraps larger than 6″ x 9″ are fine) and new flat cotton shoe laces (elastic is hard to come by). Do you know people in the area who have a sewing machine and would be willing to join the brigade? It’s an easy pattern (view YouTube video here) and we supply the cut fabric, elastic and thread to your door. Please share this information with others and contact me on my cell phone at 516.661.6782 or email info@portchest.org for help.

Also, for Town of North Hempstead residents, I encourage those who are over 60 to register with the Town of North Hempstead’s Project Independence by calling 311. This is a way for the Town to make sure that all seniors are given whatever supports they need to “age-in-place” here in Town.

People ask me all the time how they can help. My response is keep supporting the organizations you normally support; they need your help now, more than ever.

And if you can, consider supporting Port Washington’s main outreach organizations by clicking here to donate to the PW COVID-19 Community Response Fund.

Contact information for local outreach organizations is below:

Our Lady of Fatima, Parish Outreach
Sister Kathy Somerville

St. Peter of Alcantara, Parish Social Ministry
Lourdes Taglialatela

Littig House Community Center
Lynette Batts

In the meantime, I feel fortunate to live in New York State, as Governor Cuomo is providing compassionate yet firm leadership during this crisis, and has taken strides to make voting easier and safer for all.

Please visit the Nassau County Board of Elections’ website for all election information. Another invaluable site is the League’s Vote411.org, which has everything you need to know about election changes during COVID-19 in English and Spanish, including what’s on your ballot!

Stay safe and I hope to see you in person soon.

Be well,
