Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

The League’s state Convention is scheduled for June 7-9, 2019, at the Hilton in downtown Albany. We will be sending out more information and details as soon as we can – the registration packets will be mailed in the next week. If you are interested in representing your local League at the state Convention, contact your local League President now. You can also attend as an observer – just to see what happens, network with others, and attend workshops and presentations.


Now is the time for you all to think about the spectacular things you’ve done in the past 2 years and tell us about them! We want to honor your great achievements! Don’t be shy – boast and share with us!

Click here for the full packet for the awards – read them over, complete the form and send it back to us with newspapers clippings, photos, etc to showcase your great work! We need all the submissions by April 30 so we have time to evaluate and select the winners. Talk with your board, committees, and members to see what you’d like to highlight (you can submit to more than one category!). We can’t wait to read what you’ve done.
