Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

The League’s state Convention is scheduled for June 7-9, 2019, at the Hilton in downtown Albany. 

The Pre Convention Kit is now available here. In this Kit is the information you need to be an educated voter at Convention: Proposed 2019-20 Budget, Proposed Bylaw Amendments, Proposed 2019-2021 Program Planning, and Nominating Committee report for the 2019-2021 LWVNYS Officers and Board of Directors. There is also information about our fantastic speakers and training workshops, as well as updated list of workshops on League matters and information session on what other local Leagues are accomplishing. There is something at Convention for everyone to learn – new members and long-time members! Bring this kit with you to Convention – you will need it during discussions at plenary sessions. If you’re not attending Convention, read the Kit and tell your delegates how you want them to vote. We are a membership organization and need your input..

Click here to see the full Registration Kit. And, click here to register online.  If you are interested in representing your local League at the state Convention, contact your local League President now. You can also attend as an observer – just to see what happens, network with others, and attend workshops and presentations.


Now is the time for you all to think about the spectacular things you’ve done in the past 2 years and tell us about them! We want to honor your great achievements! Don’t be shy – boast and share with us!  Click here for the full packet for the awards – read them over, complete the form and send it back to us with newspapers clippings, photos, etc to showcase your great work! We need all the submissions by April 30 so we have time to evaluate and select the winners. Talk with your board, committees, and members to see what you’d like to highlight (you can submit to more than one category!). We can’t wait to read what you’ve done.

Volunteers Needed at Convention

Delegates can volunteer at times other than plenary session and volunteers for plenary can observe plenary session. Volunteers may also sit in on workshops and other events, excluding meals, without paying. Unfortunately, the meals are expensive so they would have to register and pay to attend a meal event.  Volunteers are usually booked for a 2 hour slot, but we’ll take whatever time people can give us. Please email Britt Westergard, Chair of the Volunteer Committee (brittlwv@gmail.com), with names and contact info for anyone willing to volunteer. We can’t have a successful convention without our volunteers!
