Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

State Fair – Thank You!

This year we didn’t do as well as 2016 at the State Fair in Syracuse but we are happy that we were able to distribute so much voter information to people and to alert them to the primary date change.

Here were the totals:

Registration Form Completed – 144

Registration Form Taken but not Completed – 134

Absentee Completed – 30

Absentee Form Taken but not Completed – 100

We also had 366 people sign our Early Voting survey, nearly all from Upstate counties, which will be a great talking point when going into the legislative session.

We had over 50 volunteers dedicate time to help with the table including several brand new members (13 days for 12 hours each day). Thank you to all who helped us register voters, educate the public, and increase the League’s visibility. We couldn’t do it without you.

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