Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

State Voter September 2022: Voter Services

Nancy Rosenthal, VP for Voter Services, nancyrosenthal9@gmail.com

Now is the time for Leagues to execute what we do so well: registering new voters by October 14th, handling absentee ballot requests timely, GOTV during early voting October 29th –November 6th, and having candidate forums where we collaborate with neighboring Leagues and other organizations! National Voter Registration Day (NVRD) is a bigger event each year! And many of our Leagues participated again this year! Thanks for all of your hard work. Below are a few photos from the day – send yours to milly@lwvny.org.


NVRD Photos (LWVs of Albany County, St. Lawrence MAL Unit, NYC, Saratoga County and Rockland County)


State Fair

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped register voters and provide educational information to the public at the NY State Fair! We couldn’t have done it without you all! The data from the Fair is as follows:

  • 272 People completed voter registration forms (which we mailed to their county BOEs)
  • 230 People took voter registration forms to complete later
  • 23 People completed absentee ballot applications (which we mailed to their county BOEs)
  • 118 People took absentee ballot applications to complete later
  • 171 People had questions answered or comments received

People who registered included:

  • a 72-year-old man who had never voted before
  • a formerly incarcerated person who didn’t know that he could vote again
  • a high school teacher who took forms and brochures for his students
  • a woman who was excited to be able to complete an absentee ballot application because in the past, she couldn’t get to her poll site
  • a 17-year-old who was excited to learn that he could pre-register to vote – and even went and brought his friends over to the booth to also pre-register

The League’s presence made a difference for these people – and all voters in NYS!

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