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Stats About Women

Interesting stats about women in the world today.

  1. Today, 71% of moms with kids under 18 work. In 1975, fewer than 47% did. Once, women working outside of the home was frowned upon and most who did worked as maids, seamstresses, took in laundry or worked in a traditionally female field. Today, more women not only work outside the home, but hold a wider variety of jobs, with some making it to the top of business, technology and science fields.
  2. Women currently hold 17% of Congressional and Senate seats and 18% of gubernatorial positions in the US. Women are still underrepresented in political life, but, just a little over 100 years ago, women weren’t even allowed to vote.
  3. In almost every country in the world, the life expectancy for women is higher than men. Scientists aren’t entirely sure why this is the case but believe it might have to do with the presence of estrogen in the body improving immune function.
  4. Approximately 14% of active members in the U.S. armed forces today are women. In 1950, women comprised less than 2% of the S. military. Today, women play an active role in serving their country through military service, but in years past would have to disguise themselves as men in order to gain access to the battlefield.
  5. Over 60 percent of college degrees awarded in the U.S. every year are earned by women. Women are more likely than men to get a high school diploma, and the numbers are expected to rise.
  6. The two highest IQs ever recorded, through standardized testing, both belong to One of these high IQ women is the columnist and author Marilyn vos Savant. These numbers should be taken with a grain of salt, since IQ tests aren’t perfect in measuring intelligence, but it shows that women are certainly not inferior to men in intelligence – as was claimed for centuries.
  7. More American women work in the education, health services, and social assistance industries than any other. It seems that while women are moving into the workforce in large numbers, they’re still taking on traditionally female positions like teaching, nursing and social services. These three industries employ nearly one-third of all female workers.

(Source unknown – info is about 10 years old.

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