Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

For as long as we can remember, our local League has been sponsoring local high school students to attend the LWVNYS’ amazing Government Education Conference, “Students Inside Albany.”

The SIA conference, sponsored by the State League’s Education Foundation, is designed to increase students’ awareness of their responsibility in representative government and provide the tools necessary for meeting that responsibility. This interactive conference brings together high school students from across the state to learn about New York State government and the process by which citizens can participate in the policy making arena. As part of this program, students also tour the Capitol and observe both the Senate and Assembly in action by spending an afternoon shadowing their legislators.

Sadly, last year’s conference was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is being held (virtually) this year, barring any unanticipated crises.

Omoka Samlall, a senior at Hicksville High School, is East Nassau’s sponsored student for 2021. She has been highly recommended by her AP History teacher and the supervisor of the Social Studies Department. She is very active in school clubs and sports, including Art Honor Society, Social Studies Honor Society Yearbook Club and the Political Debate Club, among others.

Omika has been accepted at a number of colleges and will be making her choice in the near future. She is interested in studying Political Science with the long-term goal of becoming a lawyer.

We are planning to ask Omika to attend our Annual Meeting to tell us all about her experiences at the Conference.
