Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

The photo above shows the high school students from all over NYS who attended the LWVNYS Students Inside Albany conference in May 2019. Our local League has been sponsoring students to attend this amazing conference since its inception. Every one of the students who attended told us how wonderful the experience was, and how meaningful it was for them.

As in the past, the LWV of East Nassau sponsored a student representative to this prestigious conference. Please see the May issue of the VOTER for information about our representative, Alissa Popeck, from Massapequa High School. Special thanks to Mary Gould and Marilyn Hametz for their work on this project.

A few words about Alissa – by Mary Gould:

AlissaAlissa stated in her bio that AP Comparative Government was her favorite subject so far, gaining knowledge of U.S. politics and a desire to study political science in college. She participated in Mock Trial, where middle school and high school students study intensely for months to learn about laws and participate in arguing a case against another school in front of a real judge.

School safety and all the school shootings in her lifetime have directly influenced Alissa’s interest in how politics can be used for change. She plans to attend law school and focus on the plight of abused children. She is VERY motivated for women’s voices to be heard.

On a lighter note, she listens to the musician Ed Sheeran, likes the movie “Legally Blonde” and macaroni and cheese, has a dog, siblings, plays the piano and sings, reads Harry Potter, and her favorite color is pink.
