Upcoming Redistricting Commission Hearings Schedule and Locations

The League encourages all Nassau County residents to attend one of the five upcoming Commission hearings and provide public comments and input regarding how your community should be represented in new legislative district maps. The upcoming hearing dates and locations are listed below. All hearings begin at 6:00 pm. Sept. 8 at North Hempstead Town […]
Nassau County Redistricting Commissioners

Redistricting Nassau County

New York State Independent Redistricting Commission

Please Note: sign-up for this meeting ends at 4:00 PM November 20, 2021.
People Powered Fair Maps™

Leading with advocacy, public education, and organizing to create fair, transparent, people- powered processes and eliminate partisan and racial gerrymandering in states during the 2021 redistricting process. People Powered Fair Maps™ is the League’s national redistricting program focused on creating fair political maps in all 50 states and D.C. Since 2019, People Powered Fair Maps […]