Advocacy Training

Register HERE Come hear the issues LWVNYS will be lobbying on during the remainder of the 2022 legislative session and what you can do to help advocate for these positions. Tips on lobbying will be provided.
Register for the LWV of NYS Regional Training

The League of Women Voters of NYS invites all members to come to training workshops being held throughout the state on Saturdays from 10:00 – 4:00 in March and early April. All members are invited to attend any or all of the workshops. All local Leagues board members are strongly encouraged to attend at least […]
LWV of NYS Regional Training

Working Together: We Will Succeed and Reach Our Goals and Mission

As president of LWVNY I know Leagues throughout the state are extremely busy as they educate voters on the ballot proposals this year, hold voter registration drives, prepare for their very important candidate events, and strive to GOTV. This is in addition to all the other areas your individual Leagues work on. I cannot tell you enough how LWVNYS appreciates all […]