National Voter Registration Day

Find out about voter registration deadlines by state, voting times and locations, whether or not you’re eligible to register, and more. Visit our voter help page. Our registration partners respect your privacy and take extensive measures to secure (or discard) all sensitive data.
Voter Registration Ends Today

Today is the last day to postmark voter registration form. It is also the last day to register in person at Board of Elections.
Registering Voters
There are three major areas of focus for League and Leaguers. Voter Service, Education, and Advocacy. All are important, but we tend to focus on different parts at different times of the year. With the election coming up in November, a lot of our time is spent on Voter Service and Education. The focus for […]
Your Vote Counts

Who Can Vote? be a U.S. citizen, be 18 years old by December 31 of the year in which you file the voter registration form, be 18 years old by the date of the general, primary or other election in which you want to vote, not be in jail or on parole for a felony […]
National Voter Registration Day is Tuesday, September 24th
In 2008, 6 million Americans didn’t vote because they missed a registration deadline or didn’t know how to register. In 2013, we want to make sure no one is left out. On September 24, 2013, volunteers, celebrities, and organizations from all over the country will “hit the streets” for National Voter Registration Day. This single […]