Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Take Action on State Redistricting NOW

Today we sent a letter to the Legislative leaders urging transparency in their process and urging an opportunity for public input as they consider these maps. See the letter here: https://lwvny.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Jan-25-Letter-to-Leg-Leaders-re-Redistricting.pdf

We encourage members to call their own NYS Senators and Assemblymembers reiterating the demand for hearings and public input in the redistricting process, now in the hands of the legislators.

Find your elected officials here:
Senate: https://www.nysenate.gov/registration/nojs/form/start/find-my-senator
Assembly: https://nyassembly.gov/mem/search/

Suggested script:

“Hi, my name is _________ and I live at ___________. I’m calling to urge [Your Representative’s Name] to demonstrate to the public their commitment to a transparent and fair redistricting process. All amendments to the maps sent by the IRC to the legislature and the data explaining the amendments must be released as soon as possible. That release should be followed by a period during which the public can review the proposed districts before any vote. Communities impacted by the amendments, including those protected by the Voting Rights Act, should have the opportunity to offer input during a public hearing. Thank you for your time”
