Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

This country has waited too long for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to become part of the U.S. Constitution. Over 100 years later (some) women gained the right to vote, women and nonbinary people are still not guaranteed equality under the law.

The League has been committed to the ratification of the ERA since it was first passed by Congress in 1972 because we believe that inequality hurts everyone. In January 2020, the final state voted to ratify the ERA. Now Congress must act to remove its ratification timeline so it can pass once and for all.

On March 17, the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation to remove the ratification deadline attached to the ERA. Now, the fight for the ERA is in the Senate. S.J. Res 1 is the companion bill in the Senate that would remove the deadline. We need 60 votes to pass the resolution. Contact your senators and ask them to cosponsor this resolution and ensure that the ERA is a part of our Constitution.

Inequality weakens us as a nation.

The ERA is for every American, regardless of gender identity or sex.

Urge your senators to support legislation to remove the ERA’s ratification timeline today!
