Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

For today’s forecast, let us put the year’s months in a hat

Draw one month and discover the weather’s new chaos

January’s snowstorm up in the Northeast with big snow drifts

Dazed people in Carolinas had lawns with snow of ten inches

Crowds were waking up in February to snow and zero degrees

Residents in Texas lost their power due to the deep freeze

The blend of a warm front with cold air from the North Pole

One March, Alabama got hailstorms, the size of coal

In April, thirty inches of snow dumped in South Dakota

In other areas, people were planting their best flower

For May, a photo of Virginia, with ice and thirty-six degrees

As fifty degrees was predicted on New York’s New Year’s Eve

One expects a balmy climate in Seattle during a day in June

Three days over a hundred degrees would make anyone swoon

Wildfire smoke drifting over Michigan in a warm July

No rain and strong winds made reddish sunsets in the sky

Hurricanes of August appearing in Florida, are commonplace

But two identical ones were moving to the northern states

During September, heat over a hundred degrees struck out

West California’s drought and fire were harming homes and forests

High tides caused the oceans and the rivers to go ashore

In October, the Delaware River flooded more than before

In November, a tornado hit Kentucky causing mayhem

Folks lost jobs or homes, but a President’s visit was a gem

In December, a blizzard warning in Hawaii is truly strange

Trust science, it does not lie, this crazy weather is climate change
