Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

League family and friends,


The LWV of Port Washington-Manhasset has researched our local polling areas where voter registration and/or voter turnout has been lowest, historically.

We have divided these regions up and plan to canvass every home in these areas between now and NOVEMBER 6th.  

Will you VOLUNTEER for 2 hours once or twice over the next few weeks, walking thru our neighboring streets, knocking on doors, handing out voter registration forms, and reminding citizens of the importance of their vote?

Please email lwvportwashingtonmanhasset@gmail.com to sign up.

Enlist your friends.
All of them.
Go for the hard sell, if you must!

Come help us ROCK THE VOTE.

Help us register and engage voters,
defend our rights to make ourselves heard,
and take action on the issues that impact our lives.

Our country depends on it.   

P.S.  Please forward this along to anyone who may be interested.  You do not need to be a LWV member to participate!
