Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

town-of-hemsteadThe League of Women Voters of Nassau County spent the better part of the past year involved with the legislative redistricting process in Nassau County.
We are now focusing on redistricting in the Town of Hempstead. We believe strongly that what is needed is a transparent process, with districts that are contiguous, reasonably compact and as fair and as representative as possible of communities of interest.
We ask residents of the Town of Hempstead to attend the hearing scheduled for Tuesday, April 9th at 10:30am at Hempstead Town Hall (Nathan L. H. Pavilion) in the Village of Hempstead, to show support for having a second minority/majority district.
If you cannot attend, please contact Supervisor Murray and your town Councilperson at 516-489-5000 and let them know how you feel on this issue.
