Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

The Voters Guide Part II which includes information (pros and cons) on the five proposals on the ballot in November is into its second printing and we anticipate more to come. We have shipped over 25,000 copies already.  Thanks to all for making good use of this excellent guide on the ballot proposals.  There is one error in the English version of the Voter Guide Part II that will be updated soon (Guide has date of Oct 26):

* Oct. 18 Last day for board of elections to receive application or letter of application by mail, online portal, email or fax for general election ballot.



The Voter Guide Part II has been translated into Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Karen, Arabic and Burmese. All of these are posted on the state website: https://lwvny.org/voting/ . Paper versions are available in Spanish, Chinese and Korean. Email Laura@lwvny.org if you would like to receive paper versions.

Because of grant support, we are offering each local League:

for free more than those amounts cost $.18 each. All will have shipping costs applied, too.

Voter Registration Toolkit

The Voter Registration toolkit is being updated on to include the new right on voting for parolees.

The updated toolkit will be posted on the state League website in the next week.  All of the toolkits will again be revised after the November election based on the results on the ballot proposals.

Local Leagues are entering Vote411 candidate and ballot information. Look for vote411.org to go live in October 2021.

Thanks to all for this valuable Voter Guide information.