Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Last fall, the Rivertowns League received a phone call from a grandmother who was determined to bring a voter registration form to her grandson’s 18 birthday. She said it was the best present she could give him (although it wasn’t going to be the only one!). That grandmother inspired us to create these Birthday Bundles (see flyer left) stuffed with voter registration forms, addressed/stamped envelopes, and water bottle/laptop stickers to send to the party for anyone turning 18 (and soon to be 16 and 17). The celebrant can go home with the string backpack. Our goal is that everyone who is eligible at the party will register on the spot. 

The sticker was designed by a young graphic designer who worked with a focus group of teens for feedback on a sticker they would actually want to display. We are offering these bundles at cost. Please pass the word to anyone who knows a teen about to become eligible to register. 
