Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Voter Service

Kudos to Barbara Epstein for her indefatigable work presenting and explaining the ballot proposals to just about every group in the county that was interested in hearing about them.

Barbara’s talk and our PowerPoint presentation (produced expertly by Peggy Stein and Barbara and reviewed by our board of directors) helped to ensure that many voters truly understood the issues involved. Barbara’s presentations were made to 14 different groups in September and October, including our local League.

The State League’s “Voters Guide, Part II” which gave pros and cons for each proposal was a big help as well. We distributed these as widely as possible to libraries, organizations, and individuals.

Special thanks to several of our members, without whose assistance, the job would have been overwhelming. These super assistants are: Ginny Carew, Michele Greenblatt, Anne Osling, Norma Schaeffer, Jude Schanzer, Dania Smith and Peggy Stein.

Barbara and Paula Blum also gave talks on voting rights to a couple of groups who requested them and made sure to include information on the proposals.
