Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Voter Services

Judie Gorenstein, judieL728@aol.com


One more important thing for local Leagues to do in the next few months is to call your county BOE and set up a meeting with them.  Several Leagues hold these meetings, but all Leagues are now being urged to do so.  If you’d like to join your League members on these visits, contact your local League President or Voter Services Chair. According to Election Law, the County BOEs are supposed to provide educational programs for high school students and register them to vote.  While several of the BOEs do this, others do not.  Find out if your County BOE is providing this service, what their program consists of and if not, offer to help them bring a program to the schools. Also, during meeting with the BOE, discuss the Election Law reforms that laws.  If enacted, they are ones who will need to comply.  Asking their opinions is a good way to develop a strong working relationship. These should be non-confrontational conversations; the goal is to get their feedback on how these programs could be implemented effectively, and what their major concerns are.


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