Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Voter Services Report

LWVNY continues to strive to help our local leagues run successful candidate nights and also successful voter registration drives.  More people than ever before appear to be paying attention to the election process.  The LWV continues to get accolades about how well we run candidate debates/forums.  Our Road to the Voting Booth has been a guide for our leagues but most recently questions as well as issues have arisen that this manual may not have adequately addressed. Therefore, this year we will be making revisions to Road to The Voting Booth and are looking to our local leagues and members for their ideas.  Let’s start the conversation!!!

  1. What additional information do you need run a successful candidate night? 
  2. What would you like to see covered in road to the Voting Booth that is not be there now?
  3. How can we capitalize on using social media and minimize the problems that it can present?

By Judie Gorenstein, JudieL728@aol.com


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