100th Anniversary Dates
November 6, 2017 100 th Anniversary of Woman Suffrage in New York State
November 19, 2019 100th Anniversary of the League of Women Voters of New York State
February 14, 2020 100th Anniversary of National League of Women Voters
August 26, 2020 100th Anniversary of the official certification of the ratification of the 19th
amendment by the US Secretary of State
Update on Centennial Subcommittees
A packet of resources for local Leagues to organize programs and events on women’s suffrage history has been mailed to every local League – and a new page has been created on the state website with links to all the info, as well as a calendar to see what events are scheduled, and a blog on significant events and locations in women’s history in NYS. Check out at all the resources at http://www.lwvny.org/programs-studies/womens-suffrage/index.html. You might find a book or movie that you’d like to read or watch together with some League friends!

Don’t forget to register for the Conference at SUNY New Paltz Commemorating Women’s Suffrage Centennial (April 21-22); the state League has also organized a lunch and tour at Val-Kill (Eleanor Roosevelt’s home) with LWVUS Executive Director, Wylecia Wiggs Harris, speaking to the attendees. Click here for the registration form; click here for the agenda for the conference.
In partnership with the NYS Archives Partnership Trust Foundation, the State League is hosting a Reception and Program at the NYS Museum on Saturday, Nov. 4 th to commemorate the opening of a special exhibit on Women’s History in NYS. A gavel used by Susan B. Anthony and owned by the state League will be part of the exhibit. A relative of Elizabeth Cady Stanton will be providing a short presentation about her great, great grandmother. Watch for registration info on this exciting program.
A book on the 100 years of LWVNYS is underway with assistance of Martha Kennedy and Phoebe Bender, Co-Chairs of this subcommittee. Diana Waite of Mount Ida Press, an Albany-based researcher and publisher, has already begun exploration at Columbia University of the large collection of state League history, consisting of 40 linear feet of records in 68 boxes and 26 volumes, plus some oversized items. We hope that all local Leagues have also begun exploration of old boxes and files to uncover their own history.