Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

As president of LWVNY I know Leagues throughout the state are extremely busy as they educate voters on the ballot proposals this year, hold voter registration drives, prepare for their very important candidate events, and strive to GOTV.   This is in addition to all the other areas your individual Leagues work on.  I cannot tell you enough how LWVNYS appreciates all you do and is here to help you meet the challenges you face.

The LWVNYS board held our training and orientation meeting on October 24th.  Even before the training and orientation, the board has been functioning really well with each member on the board assuming their responsibilities and taking a very active role, each member dedicated to the LWVNYS mission, and each member knowing the importance of working together with each other, with LWVUS and especially with all our local Leagues.

Already being a good board, we will be striving to be an excellent board.  An excellent board is one where there is TRUST, one that is responsible and respectful, one that is accountable, one where there is open communication and one that is result oriented.  The board of LWVNYS is committed to showing trust and earning YOUR  trust, being  responsible and respectful to each other and to YOUR local Leagues, being accountable to each other, donors and YOUR local Leagues, having open communication with our own members, staff and YOUR  local Leagues and working to not only achieve our mission but also to increasing membership, power and influence. We need your help!

  1. If you have not completed the local League support survey, please do it now here: https://forms.gle/9Bv76mYw3854WT3h6 . It will only take 5 minutes and will help us know what resources and trainings most Leagues find beneficial as well as what may be needed for individual Leagues. The next Presidents’ Zoom Meeting is scheduled for October 28 at 7 pm.  One area we will focusing on is membership.  As always we will also be highlighting Leagues who have had successes.  Success begets success so it is always beneficial for others to hear and learn what has worked.
  2. Let us know if you have any suggestions for LWVNYS.  Attached to this SBR are LWVNYS’ responses to the Directions to the Board presented at the 2021 LWVNYS Convention. However, if you have any suggestions or ideas of what else you would like us to provide or changes we could make, you do not need to wait to the next convention.  Let us know now!
  3. Continue doing all that you do, always mindful of our nonpartisan policy and now paying extra attention to DEI.

Together we will be able to meet our challenges and Power Together: Increasing Membership, Power and Influence.
