Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Betty Ann King, bettyannking4@gmail.com

The LWVNY State Youth Committee held its first meeting via teleconference this month. We are always looking for more members for the Committee so please contact Bettyannking4@gmail.com if you’d like to join!.

The committee expressed heightened interest in the many topics and programs being shared by other Leagues. Of special note, was discussion involving taking successful programs and modifying to create new opportunities and enthusiasm. Certainly the “new” Youth Engaging Youth Program: Next Step from the Huntington League is a terrific example of how expansion and/or revision of an established program allows for civics education that encompasses all hierarchical levels of learning and sparks new enthusiasm. See a description of this and many other great youth programs on the state website – click here. Vote 13, a program that has emerged from the Vote 18 program, is another such example as are the many varied and creative ways Leagues present voter registration drives.

The vision for our youth programs in 5 years included positive agreement:

Agreement as to what the role of this committee should be:

To be a conduit of pertinent info via email and regular teleconferencing with Youth chairs and other members who are interested.
