Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Convention is here!!! This is your time to shine! Youth Programs that you and your League  have supported are being showcased with displays and write ups in the sales room. Make sure you enjoy not only your own display but also the displays of others throughout the state.  Not able to attend convention?

Thanks to the suggestion of Lisa Scott from the Suffolk County League, pictures of each League’s display will be posted on the LWVNY website!

That being said, this is such a busy time for all League involvement throughout the state. Please make sure you send a description of these inspiring efforts so they may be published in either updates or on the LWVNY website.

I would be remiss if I did not mention the incredible success of the State’s premiere Youth Program, Students Inside AlbanyThe 2019 conference included 60 involved students absorbing the functioning of the components of NYS government with an eye to becoming a visible participant and advocate for the political process.

As we come to the end of the League’s fiscal year and new presidents and new youth chairs are elected, please remember to update this information with state League in order for a continuum of communication among Leagues to occur seamlessly.  A special thank you goes to the State Youth Board Committee for facilitating ideas and strengthening inter-League communication.

