Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Educational Session at the 2013 conventionThe League of Women Votes of NY State held its 55th Biennial Convention in Albany on June 1-2, 2013. Our League delegates were Alisa Henderson, Peter Rosenthal and Horty Schmierer. Nancy Rosenthal attended as a delegate from the Nassau ILO.

While attending the Convention Alisa Henderson took advantage of the opportunity to attend a PR workshop conducted by Arlene Hinkemeyer, VP Publicity Chair and PR Director who provided several ideas on how to enhance exposure and increase our visibility to the local public.

Ms. Hinkemeyer gave various examples such as using newspaper advertisement via the web, local level web sites and social media (Facebook and Twitter) just to name a few. Alisa says that we currently have these tools available to us but we haven’t used them to our advantage. Fear of the unknown is a normal reaction, but sometimes change is good and if we are to attract new members the workshop showed how initiating some of these changes could help us grow.

During the Convention Peter Rosenthal attended the Voters Service workshop where they spoke to the frustration of candidates not responding to public meetings that have been announced. It was suggested to send out press releases of all those who have been in their response to join in the meeting or be noticed by their absence.

Peter also attended the workshop on Health Care and Single Payer participation. It addressed among other things private insurance versus Single payer participation. It also brought attention to well Canada’s health care program works with single payer. Peter also attended the workshop on Election Law and the changes that are causing confusion and problems.

Horty Schmierer felt that a great learning experience was had by all. There were been invited and who has accepted,. perhaps to inspire those who have been recalcitrant numerous workshops addressing such topics as Advocacy and Issues; Membership Growth and Leadership; Vote 411; Youth Programs; PR and Social Networking; Energy Choices; et al.. All these were supplemented by speakers such as Barbara Bartoletti giving us an overview of what legislation is on the table for passage by the end of this legislative session and the why’s and wherefores of those issues. Included in these is Governor Cuomo’s ten point program for women’s equality.

Horty attended a workshop on energy choices focusing on an update on extraction of shale gas in New York State. It addressed the effects it would have on agriculture, health, and climate change. It also indicated that was pending legislation in the works. She also attended a workshop Membership Growth and Leadership focusing on different ways of getting people interested in joining the League.

As a bonus to all of this great experience, Nancy Rosenthal accepted an award from the LWVNYS, for the achievements of the Nassau ILO for the work done and the Redistricting fight here in Nassau County. The coalitions formed, the grants received and the personal and joint efforts involved, was worthy of all to emulate.

In accepting the award, Nancy, gracious as always, complimented her co-chair, Barbara Epstein and several others who were deeply involved in this joint effort.
It was well worth the trip, and the time that was spent learning things that will help our League in the future. – The LWVSWN Delegates
