Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Mimi and Rhoda from East Nassau register people at the Bethpage Restoration Village on Sunday, May 6, 2018 Author LWVEastNassau View all posts
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As some of you have heard, the state League will not be subscribing to Vote 411 this year for its electronic voter guide. Instead, we have a contract with Ballot Ready to provide race and candidate information online. You can view their website at: https://www.ballotready.org/ or see how ours will look at the LWV of...
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U.S. Commerce Secretary Willbur Ross has chosen to include a question on the U.S. Census pertaining to citizenship. Including this question on the Census will discourage participation and impact the data collected in every community across the country. This decision is bad for the census, bad for our communities and bad for America. The Census...
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Due to a scheduling conflict, Madeline Singas will not be our guest speaker. This month our speaker will be Deputy Chief of the Nassau County DA’s Economic Crimes Bureau, Connie Gentile. She will talk about financial crimes, credit card scams, loan fraud, check fraud and bank fraud.  Our general meeting for March was planned in...
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The LWV of Broome and Tioga Counties had Suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton talk about her life and times at the Phelps Mansion in Binghamton. Stanton, portrayed by Dr. Melinda Grube of Cayuga Community College, discussed her struggles with the suffrage movement and answered questions. See the media coverage from the event at: http://www.wicz.com/story/38065883/elizabeth-cady-stanton-visits-phelps-mansion This is...
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Betty Ann King, bettyannking4@gmail.com There is never a more opportune time to engage youth in the democratic process, than right now! The response of our youth to the Parkland Massacre Shooting of 17 students has been swift, intelligent, and powerful. We have witnessed a national student walkout on March 14 and on March 24th a...
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Sally Robinson, sally.s.robinson@gmail.com, and  Jennifer Wilson, jennifer@lwvny.org Current Legislative Action This month the League focused its efforts on ethics, campaign finance, and voting reforms. After the Legislature returned from their two week spring break, we held a joint press conference with our good government partners calling on the Legislature and Governor to pass reforms that...
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Regional Training Meetings, April 2018 It was great to see so many League members and friends at the 3 regional training workshops held this spring (Schenectady, Cortland and Rochester). The discussions were terrific and Leagues shared great ideas and activites with each other to make us all stronger. The handouts from the workshops are available...
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Thank you to everyone who attended our lobby day this week! We had representatives from all over the state including Utica Rome, Rochester, North County, Mid-Hudson, Albany, Saratoga, Rensselaer, Schenectady, and New Castle. A total of 55 members attended the trainings and conducted lobby visits with more than 16 legislators. Our members were trained by...
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If you weren’t at one of our regional meetings in Schenectady, Cortland or Rochester, you missed some good times and some even better conversations about a wide range of issues. We have so much to learn from one another and we thank all who came. At lunch at all three gatherings we talked with all...
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